Other local information

Animals (including dogs)

Many dog walkers pass along the street on the way to Victoria Park. Fouling of the street should be reported to Council Connect and persistent offenders (there are some round here) will be reported to the B&NES Dog Warden.

Foxes, deer, badgers and rats visit gardens round here. Make sure discarded food is inaccessible. Foxes steal dog toys left outside and even once taken a tea-towel from a kitchen!  Unfortunately there seems to be no way to badger-proof a standard-issue B&NES compost bin.

Road safety

This map shows the location of road accidents in the area between 1994-2014. Note that this was mostly before the zebra crossings and speed table on Julian Road (2012), and before the zebra crossing on Lansdown Road (2015) and the reworking of the junction at the top of Marlborough Lane (2018). More recent information can be found at CrashMap.

Giving directions to sat-navs

Many sat-navs think our street is Portland Place, causing visitors to our street to drive round in circles in frustration if they have not updated their maps recently (the error was corrected on the map database in summer 2017).  To avoid this, ask visitors to navigate to Northampton St BA1 2SN and then turn left or right at the top as appropriate - or to make sure their sat-nav is up to date!

Lansdown Neighbourhood Group

For the elderly and lonely, this organises regular shopping trips, lunch/coffee and occasional social events. Details here.

Local history and character description

Northampton St - an outline of its historical development (22 pages). Written by a local resident in 1999, this covers our street in passing.

I wrote an extended character description of our street and those around it (including a Strengths/ Weaknesses/ Opportunities/ Threats analysis) in late 2017 for the Bath Preservation Trust. A copy can be supplied on request. It represents personal views only.

Local places to eat

There is a list of local places to eat (linked to their websites) on the Circus Area Residents' Association site.