Local sources of information


Bulletin boards

There isn't a very local bulletin board for this area, but our neighbours in the Square have set up a community website with local information.

The following sites may be useful. The Nextdoor site (the successor to Streetlife) has bulletin boards on local topics (mostly items offered/wanted, pets lost/found, recommendations for handymen etc., and local classes/clubs).  Freecycle and Freegle are just for items offered or wanted. I have found Freecycle more useful and better run than Freegle.


There are some online sources of local news which are useful supplements to the Bath Chronicle.  Among them are:  

We used to receive the monthly magazine for eastern Bath, Local Look, and the editors are considering resuming deliveries to this area.

In shops

Star News in St James's St. takes postcard adverts for items wanted/for sale, language lessons, odd jobs etc. for display in the window. Round the corner, Eades Greengrocers displays posters for local concerts, fêtes and other events. Leaflets for the Little Theatre Cinema, music festivals etc. can often be found by the door of Star News or at the back of St. James's Deli.